- Asymmetric Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Tourism: Evidence from Selected MENA Countries
- Potentials of Artificial Intelligence for Business Performance
- Formal institutions and the development of entrepreneurial activity – the contingent role of corruption in emerging economies
- The impacts of oil price shocks on tourism receipts for selected MENA countries: Do structural breaks matter?
- Wellbeing program implementation at a fortune 500 company
- GEM Special Report: Diagnosing COVID-19 Impacts on Entrepreneurship Exploring Policy Remedies for Recovery
- Resources for development: the relationship of HRM practices and continuous learning culture with training success
- Resources for development: the relationship of HRM practices and continuous learning culture with training success
- Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: The Role of Corruption and Rule of Law
- List ItemThe moderating effect of corruption on the relationship between formal institutions and entrepreneurial activity
- Revisiting the effects of oil prices on exchange rate: asymmetric evidence from the ASEAN-5 countries
- Competency Mapping for Training Effectiveness
- List ItemWell At Work?: What We Learned Implementing a Wellbeing Program in a Fortune 500 Company.
- Revisiting the environmental kuznets curve hypothesis: evidence from the ASEAN-5 countries with structural breaks
- Entrepreneurship in Kuwait through the Eyes of Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI)
- Employer perceptive on wellness programs
- Moderating relationship of institutions for opportunity entrepreneurship and economic development
- The Relationship of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Emerging Economies
- Measuring Employee Well-Being Program Effectiveness
- What We Can Learn From The COVID-19 Pandemic
- Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Kuwait
- Employer perceptive on wellness programs
- Does Corruption Matter for Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Emerging Economies.
- Stress and Wellbeing Survey Tools and Productivity in the Workplace